This is a list of trainings offered by Lead Molecular Design and Molecular Discovery.
We also offer on-line, on-site and personalised trainings. For more info, contact us here.
This is a list of trainings offered by Lead Molecular Design and Molecular Discovery.
We also offer on-line, on-site and personalised trainings. For more info, contact us here.
Location: Montelino (Italy)
Start date: May 14, 2018
End date: May 16, 2018
Molecular Discovery is organizing a Training at the Molecular Discovery Headquarters in Montelino (Italy) on the 14th-16th of May 2018. The aim of the training will be the “Use of Webmetabase in Drug Discovery for both Met ID specialist and chemists”. The Training will be divided in two parts depending on the interest: The first part will be focused on the processing of the metabolism data for small molecules and peptides and will be done on the 14th – 15th of May 2018. While the second part will be dedicated to the use of the data in drug discovery, how to design compounds, computational tools to mine the information. This second part will be done on the 15-16th of May 2018.
Agenda for the training: Use of Webmetabase in Drug Discovery for both Met ID specialist and chemists
Day 1: 14th of May 2018.
This day is more dedicated to Met ID expert/Pharmacokinetic representative in project with or without experience in MetaSite. The tutorials are extensive and there will be examples for everyone.
13:00-14:00: MetaSite theoretical presentation (Coffee break included at 14:00 approx)
14:30-17:00: MetaSite hands on sessions: (Coffee break included at 15:30 approx)
Day 2: 15th of May 2018.
This day is more dedicated to Met ID expert with or without experience in MassMetaSite/Webmetabase. The tutorials are extensive and there will be examples for everyone
8:00-9:00: Mass-MetaSite/WebMetabase the tandem team for Met ID for small molecule and peptide
9:00-13:00: Mass-MetaSite/WebMetabase hands on sessions: (Coffee break included at 11:00 approx.)
13:00:14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:00: WebMetabase: Approval process and analysis tools
15:00-17:00: WebMetabase hands on session II: (Coffee break included at 16:00 approx.)
Day 3: 16th of May 2018
This second day is dedicated to Met ID expert, data consumers (computation/medicinal chemist) and drug designers in general with or without experience in the WebMetabase tools. The tutorials are extensive and there will be examples for everyone
8:00-9:00: WebMetabase: Approval process and analysis tools.
9:00-13:00: Analysis tools for a Single experiment:
13:00-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:00: Analysis tools for multiple experiments –
You can sign up for one, two or the three days of the training and the price would be 250 $ for one day and 500$ for the 3 days and it will be include lunch and coffee breaks. In order to do the training a computer is needed. If you are unable to bring your own we can rent one for the training at a cost of 100 $/day.
If you would like to register write an e-mail to indicating the number of people and the sessions you would like to participate.